Hudson Joseph Meek, a rising star known for his role in the 2017 film Baby Driver, has tragically passed away at the age of 16. The incident occurred on December 19 in Vestavia Hills, Alabama, following a fall from a moving vehicle. Hudson sustained critical injuries and was transported to the University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries two days later.
In a statement, Hudson’s family shared their grief:
“Our hearts are broken to share that Hudson Meek went home to be with Jesus tonight. His 16 years on this earth were far too short, but he accomplished so much and significantly impacted everyone he met.”
Hudson began acting at a young age, captivating audiences with his talent and charisma. In addition to Baby Driver, he appeared in productions like Legacies on the CW, Hulu’s Genius, and NBC’s Found. His family revealed that more of his projects are set for release in 2025, keeping his legacy alive through his passion for storytelling.
Beyond acting, Hudson was a vibrant and driven teenager. As a sophomore at Vestavia Hills High School, he was involved in football, honor choir, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. A certified scuba diver, Hudson also achieved the rare milestone of visiting all 50 U.S. states by the age of 16.
To honor his memory, the Meek family has established the Hudson J. Meek Memorial Scholarship, which will be awarded annually to a student at Vestavia Hills High School.
Hudson’s passing marks a significant loss for his family, friends, and the entertainment community. His legacy of kindness, talent, and dedication will continue to inspire those who knew him and the many who admired his work.