How To Bring Your Partner to the US 2025

How To Bring Your Partner to the US
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So, you’ve made the big decision to marry and bring your partner from another country to the United States. Congratulations! Now, you’re probably wondering: what’s the best way to go about it? In this article we will explain the process so you understand what exactly to do.

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Marriage Visa or Fiancé Visa?

If you’re not yet married and you’re deciding between a marriage visa and a fiancé visa, here’s the breakdown. With a marriage visa, you marry outside the US and then apply for your spouse to join you.

It involves a few steps: filing a visa petition, going through the National Visa Center, and having an interview at a US consulate abroad.

On the other hand, a fiancé visa skips the marriage abroad and goes straight to the engagement. You file a petition, get it approved, and then have an interview at a consulate abroad. Seems simpler, right? Well, not quite.

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Fiancé Visas

While the fiancé visa process may seem quicker, there are some challenges. Firstly, your partner won’t be able to work or travel immediately upon arrival in the US. They’ll need additional permits, which can take months to obtain after marriage.

Moreover, after getting married in the US within 90 days, you’ll still have to go through another application process for a green card, adding more time and hassle. So, while the fiancé visa cuts out some steps initially, it creates more work in the long run.

Timing and Realities

Despite common belief, fiancé visas aren’t necessarily faster than marriage visas. Both processes usually take around the same amount of time. So, don’t expect a quicker reunion with your partner regardless of the route you choose.

Some may consider entering the US on a visitor visa and then marrying their partner to expedite the process. However, this is risky and often leads to denial. Immigration officers can easily detect intentions to immigrate, resulting in serious consequences.

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Similarly, attempting to use a student visa as a workaround is ill-advised. These applications often end in rejection, wasting time and resources. Stick to the tried-and-tested marriage or fiancé visa routes instead.

For same-sex couples in countries where marriage equality isn’t recognized, options still exist. You can marry in a third country where it’s legal or proceed with a fiancé visa, explaining your intent to marry in the US.

Remember, avoid proxy marriages, as they add unnecessary complications and won’t be approved without physical presence confirmation.

Even with careful planning, there’s always a chance of administrative processing delaying your partner’s visa approval. Stay informed and be prepared to navigate any obstacles that may arise.

Bringing your partner to the US is a significant step, but with the right approach and understanding of the process, it’s achievable.

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